
Are mom and dad okay?

by Ethan Johnstone on March 19, 2020

Now that schools have suspended classes, COVID-19 can no longer be thought of as a “grown up” issue. Our children are aware that something is going on and each child will respond differently to what they learn. Some will respond analytically; others emotionally. Some will react fearfully; others recklessly. Some will process internally; others externally. But regardless of how your child is wired, there is one question that all kids need to have answered, and that is…

God has designed the family in such a way that children take their cues from their parents. Depending on the parent’s response, this can result in comfort and clarity or confusion and chaos. If a child can look at his or her parents and see that they are okay, then that reality will frame the entire lens through which they process information as it comes. There are many ways that you can provide stability for your child but let me suggest 2 specific ideas. 

Ways To Show That Mom And Dad Are Okay

Tell Them

Don’t just tell them that you are okay. Tell them why you are okay. Philippians 4:5b-7 says,

“The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

The coronavirus is real. The uncertainty is real. The inconvenience is real. But we know that “The Lord is at hand”. That is why, even as we take wise and necessary precautions, we do not cave to anxiety. We trust in Him. We ask Him for help. We thank Him. We expect the peace that He promises.

Get Perspective

Specifically, get God’s perspective. You can do this by reading the Bible each day. You can also do this by viewing the Sunday Service that will be posted online each Sunday morning. As you get perspective from God by reading His Word and listening to teaching from His Word, share what you are learning with your children. Show them that you take God seriously enough to seek His perspective when tough times come.

If there are additional ways that you are helping your children process, then I’d love to hear what you are doing. 

Tags: kids, parents, ethan, coronavirus, covid-19, are mom and dad okay

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