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Giving at Seabreeze


Ways to give:

1. Give Online

You can make a one-time donation or schedule recurring gifts that are set up through online giving.

Give Now

2. Mail

Mail your offering to Seabreeze Church at 18162 Gothard St., Huntington Beach, CA 92648.

3. Drop off in-person

There is a drop box located a few feet to the left of the main church office door. Put your gift in any envelope, write your name and phone number clearly on the front, and seal your donation inside. Your info allows us to track your donation for year end tax statements.

Next Move and Next Move 2.0 Campaigns:

To give online

Select the "Give Now" button above and select either the "Next Move" or "Next Move 2.0" fund on the giving form. Or set up "Bill Pay" through your online banking. Be sure to include "Next Move" or "Next Move 2.0" in the memo line.

To give via cash or check

You can place your gifts in the offering on Sunday mornings, or drop the gift in the mail during the week. Make checks out to Seabreeze Church and write "Next Move" or "Next Move 2.0" in the memo line.

Why do we give?

The heart (what we love) and money are tied together. If we let our hearts decide where all our money should go, we will end up loving and treasuring what can rust, decay, or be taken from us. But if we actively choose to love and trust God, we can invest our money in what will endure in heaven. Then we will end up with a treasure that can never be taken from us.

How much money does it take to move a heart? $1? $100? $1,000? Instead of an amount Jesus gave us a word - treasure. Treasure level giving is needed to move the heart. There are two indicators of treasure level giving.

Thoughtful Giving

2 Corinthians 9:7 says, "Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give…" Notice that it’s "decided in your heart to give", not feel in your heart. You shouldn't give out of emotion. It should be a clear, thoughtful decision about what to give. Treasure level giving occurs when we decide to give and keep giving regardless of the emotions.

Proportional Giving

What percentage would keep our hearts moving toward God over time? If you ask us we’ll always shoot low because we want to keep as much of our money as we can. So God gives us a number. 10%. It’s called a tithe which means tenth (Leviticus 27:30). God and money are the top contenders for first place in our hearts (Luke 16:13). Money usually wins because we can easily see it and what it does for us. In order to give 10% you have to come to the conclusion that God is as real as what you can see. You have to trust God to provide. God actually gave us permission to test Him in this (Malachi 3:10). Trust God with the first 10% of your income and keep track of how God provides for and blesses you. 

Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. (Matthew 6:19-21)