

by Bevan Unrau on September 11, 2019

Sparks can be a good thing or a bad thing. A spark is what initiates a fire. A fire can warm you on a cold night or it can burn down a house or an entire city. In a relationship, there is a spark that causes us to slow down and pay attention to someone who may end up meaning a lot to us. But sparks of anger and resentment can also grow into a wildfire, destroying the relationship we once cherished.

In our world today, there is a lot of heated talk about gender. You can hear and read just about any view possible. How do we know what to believe? God has given us a guidebook that is very clear about His design for viewing ourselves and viewing others. In fact, the sparks that the genders ignite are prominently featured in the first 3 chapters of the Bible.

I have been married for over 34 years. I have learned a lot about myself and about my wife over the years as we have had to navigate good times and hard times together. Like all young couples, we knew very little about each other when we first met. When we got married, we knew a little bit more, but there was so much to learn. I learned that my wife is not just a prettier version of me but someone who is very different than me. Those differences are what often cause the sparks to fly.

I am thankful that I had the Bible, the help of the Holy Spirit, mentors, advisors, and friends to help as we have worked to learn how to turn the sparks into a fire that warms and blesses rather than a raging wildfire intent on destroying our relationship. I am excited to share some of what we have learned about the blessings God intends in the gender differences. Whether you are married or single you can’t avoid the sparks. I invite you to join us this Sunday as we begin the “Significant Other” message series.

Tags: significant other, upcoming message series

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