
VOR Giving Tree

by Joanna Steinhaus on November 13, 2019

Seabreeze is excited to be able to donate over 200 gifts to Voice of the Refugees this Christmas! Being able to focus on gratitude to God and then share that with others through giving is a huge blessing during this time of year. A great opportunity for you to give is through the VOR Giving Tree! VOR will meet up with the different families they know through English conversation classes, budgeting classes, Bible Study, etc. and deliver the donated gifts during the month of December as they remind them what Jesus has done for them.

You can still sign up to donate a gift to a refugee child this Sunday, November 17! If you have already signed up to donate a gift, please make sure to return your gift as soon as possible. The last Sunday to drop off wrapped gifts (with the gift tag included) is December 1.

If you have any questions, head to the table on the Patio this Sunday.

Tags: christmas, outreach, vor

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